Logistical Arrangements

Stakeholders Info Pack (updated 9 Aug 2024)

We've prepared the following info pack to help you plan your trip to Kuching, Sarawak. Please feel free to download it below.

Important notes: 

Logistical Planning


We encourage our guests to arrive in Kuching one (1) day before your event. We want you to rest well before a half-day in school the next day


We highly recommend all guests to stay in Kuching. This will allow you to enjoy Kuching's vibrant nightlife and have easier access to amenities. 


We are catering light refreshments and lunch at the school for our guests and school administrators

Engagement Dinner

We are hosting an engagement dinner during your stay in Sarawak. All engagement dinners will be hosted in Kuching. 


TFM will have our team of volunteers on-site to support you. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us. 

Sofiyya Sabry


Hana Hassan


Rabi Akbal
